Some of the photo pages at contain multiple copies of each photo. If this is the case, here's how it's organized and how to use it.
If not, you'll find out when you try to see the "other" versions of the photos.

  • Very Low-resolution Thumbnail-sized Image - ImageName_Low.jpg
    All of these images are combined in one master index image, which is visible above.
    You can click on any thumbnail, and it will display the Medium-resolution image.
  • Medium Resolution Image - ImageName_Med.jpg
    These images are about 20-30Kb JPEGs, and will load in about 10 seconds using your average 28.8Kbit modem. If they're slower, please contact your ISP and complain about bad service.
    They are intended for casual viewing on 8-bit (256 color) displays.
  • High Resolution Image - ImageName.jpg
    These images are about 100-150Kb JPEGs, and will take longer to load. For this reason, I have not included any direct links to them on the page, but they are easy to get to: click on a thumbnail, see the Med-Res image, and then edit the name of the file in your browser's "Location" or "URL" box to remove the _Med extension on the file name.
    The Hi-Res images contain almost-photo quality data. They will look better than the Med-Res on 8-bit displays, but it takes a 16-bit (65,536 color) or better to do them justice. They might also be more appropriate if you want to make a print. (If you're like me, you will want to find at least one difference between the Med- and Hi-Res image using an 8-bit display. Hint: look at the eyeballs.)
  • Very High Resolution Images - ImageName_tiff.hqx or Imagename_tiff.bin
    The compression method used in the other (JPEG) images allows for much higher compression, but only retains an approximate rendition of the original image.
    TIFF images are compressed using a "loss-less" compression scheme. Every pixel from the original image scan is present in the TIFF. Naturally, the TIFF is much larger, perhaps 500Kb.
    You don't want to load the TIFFs unless you have a fast connection or a lot of time. You also don't want to load them unless you have a program to decode the HQX (or, maybe, BIN) files they are stored in, and a program to display them, since most browsers don't understand TIFF images.
    In other words, if you know why you want to load a TIFF, I expect you will also know how to deal with it. Say, does Micro$oft even understand what an HQX is? :-)

    - ted
  • Use your browser's Back button to return to the photos.