Mike Dowling in Concert

When: Saturday, October 12, 2001
Where: 165 McGraw Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
How Much: $10 / usual discounts

Mike Dowling- solo concert
October 12th, 8 pm
McGraw Hall Auditorium/ room 165
Cornell University
Ithaca NY

$10 at the door with usual discounts to CFSC members
for information call 607-589-7350
Co-sponsored by the Cornell Folksong Club and Heather Dunbar=20

MIKE DOWLING, roots guitarist.
Traditional blues, vintage swing, ragtime and originals played with g=
race, wit,
and dazzling proficiency=09

[Image:File13.bmp]"I don=92t play guitar when Dowling=92s in the band=
. You don=92t
take the game warden fishing".--- Jethro Burns, 1977=09

Extraordinary finger style picker and bottleneck blues, dobroist and =
guitar artist, singer and songwriter with songs that are Grammy quali=
appearances on A Prairie Home Companion and River City Folk, a Homesp=
un guitar
instruction video ( "Mike Dowling, Bottleneck Blues and Beyond").

>>>Mike Dowling will also be conducting a master class/ workshop:

=09Ithaca Guitar Works=20
=09Sunday, October 14th=20
=09from 4 to 5:30=20
=09for an additional charge of $20.



Listen for yourself:


Lots on the net on this acoustic guitar hero/ singer-songwriter:

www.mikedowling.com/ - 1k - Cached - Similar pages=20

"MIKE DOWLING OFFICIAL WEB SITE- Guitar music and more"
MIKE DOWLING, roots guitarist. Traditional blues, vintage swing, ragt=
ime and
originals played with grace, wit and dazzling proficiency. ...=20
www.mikedowling.com/home.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.mikedowling.com ]

SRO Artists, Mike Dowling & Randy Sabien
SRO Home, Mike Dowling & Randy Sabien. ...=20
www.sroartists.com/mdrs.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages=20

Mike Dowling Interview
=2E.. Interview With Mike Dowling Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter. ... Mi=
Homespun Video's.
Mike Dowling, Bottleneck Blues and Beyond. Read the Review on this si=
te. ...=20
www.execpc.com/~pgkuchar/dowling.htm - 59k - Cached - Similar pages=

Musicroom.com : Mike Dowling
=2E.. If you have a website, link to Musicroom.com and start earning =
money. Find
more... Home / Artists / Mike Dowling (1 titles). This is page 1 of 1=
. ...=20
www.musicroom.com/artist.ihtml?Artist=3DDowling,%20Mike - 33k - Cache=
d - Similar

APHC: Saturday, May 19, 2001 Archived Peformance
=2E.. of the University of Wyoming in Laramie, A Prairie Home Compani=
on welcomes
player Mike Dowling, Stephanie Davis, plus Spencer, Dale and Norinne =
phc.mpr.org/performances/20010519/index.shtml - 19k - Cached - Simila=
r pages=20

APHC: Performers, music sources and credits
=2E.. vocals; and Dale Bohren, bass Stephanie Davis, guitar, fiddle, =
vocals; with
Koefer, steel guitar; and Brent Rowen, guitar Mike Dowling, guitars, =
phc.mpr.org/performances/20010519/20010519_mu.htm - 17k - Cached - Si=
milar pages
[ More results from phc.mpr.org ]

Yahoo! Music Mike Dowling
=2E.. Mike Dowling - Main. Recent Albums. ... More Mike Dowling Album=
Search for Mike Dowling Merchandise on Yahoo! Shopping... ...=20
shopping.yahoo.com/shop?d=3Dp&id=3Ddowlingmike - 11k - Cached - Simil=
ar pages=20

Mike Dowling Appears on Prairie Home Companion - www.ezboard. ...=
=2E.. Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitar > Gigs, Workshops, & Gatherings >
Mike Dowling Appears on Prairie Home Companion, ...=20
=3D9.topic -
8k - Cached - Similar pages=20

and lots more!

(Bruce Smith)

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