Bill Staines in Concert
It is easy to call Bill Staines one of Ithaca's favorite performers. He has been given the title "favorite performer" from Alaska to Boston as he has crisscrossed this nation. So let's call him an old friend. After thirty years and two million miles on the road, he now has a bit of grizzle in his beard, so calling him "old" isn't too harsh; and the "friend" part is genuine. What do you need to know? Bill Staines writes most of the songs that he sings and only includes a handful of traditional songs in his concerts, but he, as well as anyone on the circuit today, represents the best in what it means to be a contemporary folksinger. He is a natural humorist. He plays guitar upside down and backwards! He writes songs that make you feel warm, but without triteness, easily evoking the flavor of places as disparate as Wyoming and New Hampshire. Here's how authentic his songs sound: All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir has been credited in print, on more than one occasion, to the author "Trad." The real secret to his success, at least with the singing crowd in Ithaca, is that just about every Bll Staines song has a chorus. With Bill up front, the hall will ring with harmonies most of the night. This concert promises to be a special evening, and we want you to be part of it, so be advised to buy tickets early (at Borealis, Rebop, and Bound for Glory, or by sending a SASE (check payable to CFSC) to CFSC, Ithaca, NY 14851-0481). Reservations can be made only in the last week before the concert (by calling 272-3471), but we may be sold out by then!
(John Henderson)